Do you ever get those late night thoughts where you wonder why you cannot solve all of the world's problems? Okay not really, but I feel like I come up with some really great analogies when I am extremely exhausted and basically delirious.
This thought came to me as I was almost dozing off last casually around 2 a.m.
It was a thought about the strength of relationships. Relationships of all kinds can be so fragile, especially new ones that are just starting to blossom. Being a 20 year old college student, it is a time of many "trial" relationships. To cut to the chase my analogy was this: Relationships are like doing a push up. When your strength is weak, the push up will not be successful. Just like in a relationship! When the trust is weak, the potential success of the relationship will diminish quickly. In order for a push up to be successful you need to work up that strength. The strength will not always come right away, in fact it will rarely be natural. This is true for relationships as well. Strong trust needs to be worked on. It can not be perfected right away; just like a push up.
Once upon a time I used to trust too easily and would just end up getting burned. Now I tend to have a hard time trusting others when forming new relationships. But it's like a push up! It takes time to build up that strength/trust. And it can only get better from here on out..!
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